Operating Time

Mon to Sat - 9.00 to 6.00

Contact Info

022 4897 2433

Cancer Navigation Services

Cancer Navigation Services

C3 Medicare’s expertise is honed through experience with thousands of patients. Our focus is the patient experience and empowering patients and their loved ones with the information they need to make decisions on cancer treatment.

Once treatment begins, patients have many questions about managing the side effects. Our team connects with various experts as needed and helps patients work towards a better quality of life.

Our Navigation team is the sounding board, the advisory team, the confidante, and the unbiased expert who can guide patients and their families through Cancer treatment.

  • We begin with the basics by making the patient understand what Cancer is, what the diagnosis means for them, and how their Cancer is behaving.
  • We understand the patient’s family, social, work, and financial situation. 
  • We discuss the patient’s priorities in life. 
  • We explain the treatment goals and treatment options. With increasing life spans, these issues and choices need to be discussed and weighed.
  • We create a tumour board for patients who need it. These are experts from across various fields who discuss multiple aspects of the treatment. 
  • We become the champions for the patient, asking questions and discussing with the experts. 
  • We can access the best of the international experts when needed. 
  • We spend time with the patient explaining what the reports and opinions mean in language that is easy for them to understand. 
  • We answer their questions and share other patients’ experiences if needed. 

Benefits of C3 Medicare Patient Navigation

Patient experience

Engages patients and families in the cancer treatment journey

Provides unmatched support and advice

Access to healthcare experts and specialists

Lower healthcare costs