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Mon to Sat - 9.00 to 6.00

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022 4897 2433


If you were diagnosed with internal haemorrhoids and are continuing to struggle despite more traditional treatment, a non-surgical outpatient treatment is now available that can decrease bleeding and improve your quality of life.

When to see a doctor
If you have bleeding during bowel movements or have a haemorrhoid that does not improve after a week of home care. See your doctor if your symptoms worsen or if you have new symptoms.

1. What are Haemorrhoids?
Haemorrhoids, or piles, are swollen veins that form inside and outside your anus and rectum. They can be painful and uncomfortable and cause rectal bleeding.
Haemorrhoids are very common in both men and women.
Symptoms may include:

  • Bleeding after passing a stool (the blood is usually bright red)
  • Itchy bottom.
  • A lump hanging outside the anus which is needed to be pushed back in after passing a stool.
  • A mucus discharge after passing a stool.
  • Soreness, redness and swelling around your anus.

2. How are Haemorrhoids diagnosed?

  • Physical exam
  • Digital rectum examination (DRE)
  • Anoscopy
  • Proctoscopy
  • Sigmoidoscopy
  • Colonoscopy
3. How are Haemorrhoids treated?

Treatment for haemorrhoids varies depending on the size, number, location and what symptoms they’re causing. You can often relieve the mild pain, swelling and inflammation of haemorrhoids with home treatments.
Medications treat your symptoms and can help with symptoms like pain and bleeding. In some cases, surgery is needed.
Haemorrhoids typically resolve on their own and with home remedies like high-fibre diets, exercise, and haemorrhoid creams. However, if they become severe and chronic, especially in internal haemorrhoids, they can be treated with a modern minimally invasive procedure – Hemorrhoidal Artery Embolisation.
Hemorrhoidal Artery Embolisation (HAE) is less painful than traditional haemorrhoid removal surgery and allows quicker recovery.

4. What is Hemorrhoidal Artery Embolisation?
Haemorrhoidal Artery Embolisation (HAE) is an interventional radiology treatment for internal haemorrhoids that offers long-lasting relief from rectal bleeding.

Haemorrhoids form when abnormal connections are made between arteries and veins in the rectum. Embolisation works by blocking these abnormal blood vessel connections, eliminating bleeding.

The US FDA & NHS (UK) has approved the procedure. The procedure is done by a doctor called an interventional radiologist who specialises in treating conditions without using major surgery.

The Procedure

  • During Hemorrhoidal Artery Embolisation (HAE), the doctor will administer a local anaesthetic and mild sedation, but you remain awake.
  • The Interventional Radiologist positions a catheter through a small needle puncture in the leg and into the blood vessels that supply the rectum using X-ray guidance.
  • Once positioned, tiny platinum coils are used to block the blood flow to the haemorrhoids and stop the bleeding.
  • The procedure lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

Benefits of Hemorrhoidal Artery Embolisation (HAE) include

  • Performed under local anaesthetic
  • Usually, there is immediate relief from bleeding, and you can go home soon after the procedure
  • No incision to heal or stitches to be removed
  • Day Care Procedure
  • Shorter recovery time
  • No instruments are placed in the anus, and there is no anal trauma
  • Patients typically return to activity the next day
  • Minimally invasive
  • No hospital stay required

How can I get started with Hemorrhoidal Artery Embolisation (HAE)?

Contact us to set up a consultation with our experts at C3 Medicare.

Schedule a consultation by calling 022- 48972433 today!

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