You are aware of your heart and how it pumps blood through your body. But did you know that your body has a unique ‘second heart ‘?

Your heart pumps blood throughout the body — thousands of miles of veins carry it back.
Your blood is in continuous motion. Arteries deliver oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and other essentials to organs and tissues throughout the body. After your arteries deliver the goods, your blood must return through the veins to the lungs to pick up more oxygen and nutrients, get rid of carbon dioxide, and head back to the heart to be pumped out again. This circulation of the blood is vital to life.
Veins are a network of connecting tubes throughout the human body. They bring blood low in oxygen back to the lungs to reload with oxygen. Veins have tiny valves within them that allow blood to flow in only one direction, encouraging blood to flow in the right direction. When muscles contract near larger veins, they pump blood toward the lungs.
If your veins are not adequately carrying the blood back up to the heart and your valves are not closing as they should, the blood will flow back down to the legs. Healthy veins help the heart, brain, and every other part of your body.
The lower leg muscles act as a powerful pump that squeezes the deep veins in your lower legs. This “second heart,” also called your peripheral heart, springs into action each time you take a step.

Here are five ways to improve vein health.
• Be active. Exercise regularly and avoid standing or sitting continuously for a long time
• Maintain a healthy weight.
• Don’t smoke.
If you already have vein diseases such as venous insufficiency, varicose veins, or unexplained swelling, inflammation, or ulcers on your legs, ankles, or feet, contact our experts for advice.