This is not true. Over the years, as scientists have better understood cancer, there have been vast improvements in treatments, and recovery rates continue to improve. Many forms of cancer, depending on when they’re caught, are treatable and curable. Some forms of cancer are even curable at advanced stages.

No – You cannot catch cancer from another person. Not through contact or secretions or anything in the air. Cancer is not contagious. Some infections, such as sexually transmitted diseases, can cause cancers in the cervix and the liver, but the cancer itself is not contagious.

Advances in equipment used during surgery and more detailed imaging tests have helped make this risk very low.

There are many types of cancer which you are more likely to develop if someone in your family has had them. However, cancers can be caused by changes to your DNA that happen over the course of your lifetime in response to changes in your environment or the ageing process.

Most lumps detected during screenings and medical examinations are benign or a different condition, such as a cyst. A doctor will conduct tests to determine whether a growth is benign, precancerous, or cancerous.