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Mon to Sat - 9.00 to 6.00

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022 4897 2433

Thyroid Artery Embolisation (TAE)

TAE is a medical technique used to treat conditions resulting from excessive thyroid hormone production. In this procedure, one or more of the arteries that provide blood to the thyroid gland are intentionally blocked (embolised) to reduce the blood supply. This helps limit hormone production and thus subside the symptoms.

It is painless and done under local anaesthesia, and the patients stay in the hospital for one night only. Since the thyroid is not directly touched, there is zero % danger of voice loss due to nerve damage.

The Procedure

  • A pinhole incision is made in the wrist or groin to insert a catheter and wire to access the thyroid arteries.
  • Embolisation beads are introduced to block one or more of the arteries that provide blood to the thyroid gland.
  • The blood supply to the gland is reduced, helping limit the hormone production and thus subside the symptoms.
  • The incision is closed with a small bandage. The entire procedure lasts about 1.5 hours.


Thyroid artery embolisation is a minimally invasive procedure that involves injecting a substance into the blood vessels that supply the thyroid gland, causing the blood vessels to narrow or block. This reduces blood flow to the goiter, causing it to shrink in size over time.

Benefits of Thyroid Artery Embolisation (TAE)

  • No scarring
  • Lower risk of complications
  • Day care procedure
  • Quick recovery time

How can I get started with TAE?

To get started with TAE and determine if it’s the right treatment option for you, it’s vital to set up a consultation with our experts at C3 Medicare.

Our doctors review your symptoms and medical history and conduct imaging studies to ascertain the number and size of the fibroids you have.

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